Lab News

February 2025

Congratulations Bridget! 

We knew you could do it! Bridget successfully defended her research proposal. Welcome to being a Ph.D. candidate! 

October 2024

The Estrada lab ventured into the Great Pumpkin Farm in Clarence, NY. It was a beautiful day (only a little chilly) with plenty of fried dough, apple cider, and pumpkins! We all survived the corn maze, despite the roaming zombies!! 

September 2024

Some of the lab attended the 81st meeting of the Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference. It was exciting to get a tour of the Cornell synchrotron! Layne presented their poster on pH sensitivity in CYP107 and was awarded one of only two Chung Soo Yoo Awards for best poster. Congratulations, Layne! 

March 2024

Janie and Layne presented their posters at the annual ASBMB meeting in San Antonio. It was a great meeting! Janie won first place in the Flash Talk competition! 

February 2024

On a cold day in February, the lab managed to stay warm! We took to the "slopes" while tubing at Holiday Valley. 

December 2023

Decorating the lab bay window has become a tradition. Students from all three labs joined forces to create an awesome Christmas tree and a Toboggen! Yes, those are proteins riding the sled. A cytochrome P450, Adrenodoxin, a Msh2-Msh3 DNA complex, and a E Coli RecA are going for a wintry ride together.   

June-July 2023

We're proud to share that Dr. Campomizzi and Dr. Jay have accepted new positions at HWI and Ichor Life Sciences! Good luck to both of you! 

May 2023: 

Dr. Campomizzi and Dr. Jay, (the first two students to join the Estrada lab!) graduated with their PhD! 

We're all so very proud. 

Congratulations to you both! 

May 2023: Janie and Layne presented posters at the Annual ASPET meeting in St. Louis. It was the first ASPET meeting for each of them! Janie presented her NMR data on substrate modulation of the CYP11A1-Adx interaction, while Layne presented their initial characterization of a bacterial vitamin-D metabolizing CYP107 enzyme. Nice job!

April 2023: 

Janie was selected to represent the Department at the annual UB Celebration of Academic Excellence! 

April 2023: 

Layne successfully passed their qualifying exam and is now a PhD candidate! Congratulations, Layne!  

November 2022

Dr. Estrada and Rachel Aguda attended the 2022 ABRCMS conference! ABRCMS provides a wonderful networking opportunity for undergraduates interested in research careers. Rachel received a travel award and presented her research on CYP24A1. 

August 2022: 

Our lab undergraduate Rachel Aguda is on a roll! Rachel was recently selected for the NIH Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGSP). She was also selected to receive a Marion B. Sewer Distinguished Scholarship for Undergraduate Award from ASBMB. Congratulations Rachel! Read the story here! 

July 2022: 

PhD candidates Natalie Jay, Chris Campomizzi, and Janie McGlohon, along with Dr. Amit Kumar traveled with Dr. Estrada to the International Conference on Cytochrome P450 in Washington DC. Janie and Amit were also invited to give oral presentations! 

May 2022: 

PhD candidate Chris Campomizzi was interviewed for the Department of Biochemistry website. Check out the article here! 

April 2022: Natalie and Chris each presented both a poster and a research talk (!) at the Experimental Biology conference in Philadelphia. 

March 2022: Janie McGlohon passes her qualifying exams and becomes a Ph.D. candidate! Congratulations! 

December 2021: The lab came together to decorate the research bay window for the holidays. Skinny Santa on the fireplace and the snow-person have been around for a couple of holidays. 

January 2021: The lab enjoyed the Buffalo winter weather by going tubing at Holiday Valley! Fortunately, no one got hurt, but a few people came close to flying over the berm. 

2020: Our pandemic project lives! While at home, the lab came together to contribute a chapter on cytochrome P450 structures for the most recent edition of Enzyme Kinetics in Drug Metabolism. Nice work everyone! 

November 2018: 

Graduate students Chris Campomizzi and Natalie Jay both passed their qualifying exams, and are now officially Ph.D. candidates! 

In 2017, the lab moved into the beautiful new Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences building in downtown Buffalo, NY.